Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Right now...

So here is what I have on the needles right now...

Word of warning, I am on a Doctor Who knitting craze. I have never been a fan of a TV show that had so many knitable possibilities. I mean, I was a fan of Stargate SG-1 for ten years and it has never inspired me to knit something like Doctor Who has...

Having said that, I am knitting two Doctor Who scarves. The first is for my good friend L_. L_ and I are attempting to go to the Doctor Who dedicated convention called Galifrey, which is in LA in February of 2008. Her scarf is based on the Season 18 scarf worn by Tom Baker. I got the pattern from an absolutely WONDERFUL website

And so far, this is what I have done on it:

I think it is looking great. Even though the original on the show was chenille, I am knitting it in Classic Elite Inca Alpaca yarn. I am using the colors Damask Red, Persimmon, and Seaside. Over five feet DONE!

I also have on the needles at the same time a Season 16 Doctor Who Scarf:

Here is how far I have gotten...although I think I have done a good 2 more feet since this photo:

I am making this with some cheap acrylic...I don't really see me wearing it on a regular basis in San Diego. So I found this Red Heart Soft Yarn and I am using that.

I think companies like Red Heart and Lion Brand have FINALLY discovered that yes, people DO want cheap yarn, but they DON'T want cheap looking and feeling yarn. Lion Brand has a "Vanna's Choice" Yarn that is so much like the Red Heart soft, I am using a Vanna's Choice for the yellow color in my scarf since there wasn't a good yellow in the Red Heart. Red Heart Soft Yarn colors Lt. Grey Heather, Grape, Paprika, Off White, Leaf, a brown color (the label says Black...oops) and then the yellow is actually that Vanna's Choice Lion Brand Mustard. Over six feet DONE!

More on what's on my needles and my "Grand Plans" future projects...

1 comment:

Meredith(MaccaMeri) said...

Hi Pam, I must send a request for a simple cross stitch of David Tennant that has a pattern in a recent uk knitting magazine. I am trying to get a blown up version of the pattern for you. I think you would do an ace job of it for me for the hoildays. Judging by the beautiful scarfs, i'm sure you'd do a cool version on it :). Cheers, Meredith ps. cool idea for a blog :)