Thursday, February 28, 2008


It is 2:30 pm....I have been up since about 8:30am? And working on K-9...not every mimute, mind you...but enough time. Once I got started sewing and stuffing, I got in a groove to finish him.

I will only say one more thing about the crap instructions on how this little booger was to be assembled. The entire instructions on what to do with K-9's head reads:

"Firmly attach the head." That's it, thats all you get.

Anyway, there isn't much more to say, so I will show you the pictures:

Can you tell I am proud?


Karla said...

That is sooo cute! Great job. I suppose the instructions were lacking because they probably didn't want to go into all the details of how they attached it, that would take the fun out of it. Plus then you would have been trying to count stitches, do I attach here or there???
Anyways, you've been tagged. see my blog for details.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE HIM!!! great job!