I did just come back from a long weekend in Laughlin for my friend's wedding. Hardly ANY knitting happened there, but I did come out ahead at the roulette table and had winning of around $120!!!
I did get my financial aid information this week, which was good news. I have been offered enough money to go to school and live on for the next year. So there is nothing barring me from going back to school. I am trying to make a meeting with someone in the financial aid office to see what all the different loans and grants mean. And I need to take into consideration how a part time job would fit into the budget.
I find myself sitting around the apartment watching TV and playing on the internet like a completely useless boob lately...like I said, no knitting, really. But I have several items up in the air right now.
A pair of wrist warmers, a dalek for Mr. Morris, another Betsy Ross fauxhawk hat...
I did get really cracking on the Betsy Ross fauxhawk hat yesterday. Between the hours at the yarn shop and an evening at a friend's I ended up finishing all the knitting on the hat and cutting the frings for the fauxhawk. So all I need to do is sewn it together and attach fauxhawk.
I woke up at 11am today...I was supposed to go to my knitting group in Miramesa, so I kinda missed that which is a bummer. Sadly, I think I am going to have to seriously consider dropping that group. I can't BELEIVE what gas prices have come to and it seems like such an extravagance to drive all the way from Vista to Miramesa every Saturday. I don't know. I love the ladies there though and it is SO relaxing. I think I should give up one of my volunteer bands as well.
I am just mad, I feel that the oil companies are sucking off pure profit right now and it is forcing me to make some life choices I don't want to make...just so some rich bastard can have yet MORE money when I can't even afford to buy meat at the damn grocery store. Don't even get me started on the rise of food prices...I used to be able to spend about $30 a week for food, now it is up to at least $50.
Where the hell is it going to end?
Sorry...rant over

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