Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am overwhelmed by the amount of knitting I have commited myself to do before the Christmas Holidays. I am not going to go into detail, just listing:

2 Adipose stuffed toys
1 surfer koala stuffed toy
1 hedgehog stuffed toy
2 pairs of wrist warmers
1 present for mom
1+ dish cloths for my sister-in-law

When I get under this kind of knitting pressure, it makes it not fun anymore...know what I mean? I just look over at my knitting basket and feel so overwhelmed I don't want to work on anything.

I did do about 70% of one Adipose today and mom's gift is almost done. I need to be finished both Adipose by the end of the week and be working on both pairs of arm warmers. I will have almost 2 weeks between the end of class and CHristmas to finish the other stuff.

I *think* I can get it all done. I will be quite disappointed in myself if I can't.

Knitting should NOT equal stress...this is fun, damn it!



Corinne said...

Happy Thanksgiving and good luck....you sound like me with all of the knitting that needs to get done!!

PammieJR said...

Thanks Corrine! Although it looks like you are getting more of your knitting finished than I am! LOL
I hope you have a great Turkey Day with your family!