Monday, August 30, 2010


So the weight loss is really working (47 pounds as of tonight) and I really felt the need to clean around the house this weekend. In the process I found some knitting projects I had chucked in the corner, next to my dresser since christmas. Two different pairs of for me, one for my mom. I put the projects on the coffee table and continued to clean. Last night, I sat down to work on the socks for my mom and I did a couple rows of knitting and I noticed something...did I drop a stitch?'s a hole...wha?! Then I grabbed the completed sock...holes ALL over it. I am guessing silverfish? The other pair of socks is untouched. POUTS

I frantically checked other finished knitting in my bedroom and thankfully the only holes in my knitting are the ones I have put there!

I am almost finished with the Bermuda shawl I am knitting, which means, of course...I must start another project! So I have finally begun the knitting project for my craft swap. The beginning was a little tricky, but I think this is going to be a quicker knit than I originally thought...(Got a lot done at group therapy tonight-yes I have no shame). I can't talk about the project too much because one of the swappers reads this journal...

What else...

Got more yarn! One of the ladies I work with gave me a hat box full of yarn today...totally out of the blue...COOL BEANS, I say!

As I look over at my end table, I see the Bermuda shawl and swap project staring at me...I wish I could knit two projects at once!

DAILY DAVID (at the Emmy's last night! Some dude named Al Pacino won the award David should have won!)

1 comment:

Knitting Linguist said...

I can't wait to see your Bermuda shawl! I'm slowly poking away at mine, but i've got umpteen billion other projects going, so... Congratulations on the weight loss - that's an amazing accomplishment :)