Sunday, April 5, 2009

Emergency Knitting

OK, well, I don't really know of a situation where knitting is an emergency...but my mom asked me to make some dishcloths for an acquaintance...turn around time is ten days from getting the request on Thursday night to getting them to Georgia. So I began the "Emergency" knitting...I managed to knit two quick dishcloths on Friday. I am hoping to get them out in the mail on Monday. They aren't the most exciting thing in the knitting world. But here are the pictures:

I also FINALLY committed to finishing the straps on this bag I have had done for months. I don't know, you can ask the ladies I knit with. They weren't pleased with them, I don't know if I am pleased with the finished results...the bag itself is beautiful and some great knitting on my part, but...

I need to get crackin on ongoing projects...


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I'll admit it...I haven't been knitting a lot lately. I have been focusing my energy in the land of my computer. I have been trying to update and recover my I-Tunes library. (I lost my I-Tunes library in December, then had over 100 CDs stolen the next month) I have always been a bit, um, obsessive with my I-Tunes. I like to have it a certain way, every song needs an album cover, I like to have very specific, cutely named playlists...blah, blah, I have been working on this a lot lately...simply because I can't stand the chaos any longer.

I have a lot of projects on the needles and nothing that is exciting me so much that I MUST knit.

I have however, recently taken the time to organize my stash. I broke out the gallon ziplock bags and organized my stash yarn into projects. I also pulled all the leftovers and acrylic yarn I basically only use to knit daleks now from the rest of my stash. That all lives in the crafts closet now and my stash now fits easily into two rubbermaid containers. Me likey organization!

So that's what has been up with my yarn lately...