Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I have been working on the My So Called Scarf scarf pattern for awhile. And even though I was loving working with Malabrigo worsted weight yarn, it was not coming out right.

This is what it is supposed to look like:

This is what mine was looking like:

I don't know if you can see the difference in the pictures. But in person there was a BIG difference.

Anyway, a couple of days ago, I was lead to a YouTube video of someone showing the stitches on the My So Called Scarf and DING I realized I was doing it wrong. I was supposed to be repeating ONLY the part of the pattern between the astericks on the first row...I was repeating the whole pattern on the first row...dumbass alert!

So I have ripped it out and I now have a good 2 1/2 feet done on it and it looks, can I say delicious?! I love it.

K-9 is still progressing while I continue to grumble about the crappiness of the pattern. I am on a huge piece of K-9 that is basically mind-numbing, so I have been working on the Malabrigo scarf more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you hate moments like that? I've knitted a whole sweater back when I realized that the dumbass moment hit and I have to rip it back.... Hours and hours down the tubes. It's ok cause it will be just how you like it. Can't wait to see the finished product!